英语专题︱小升初语法专项训练练习题(附详细解析和答案) 您所在的位置:网站首页 be 3单形式 英语专题︱小升初语法专项训练练习题(附详细解析和答案)


2023-08-26 03:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

(C)6.What's this ____ Chinese ?

A. atB. to C. in

解析:用什么语言,固定介词in,比如 in Japanese为用日语。该题的翻译为“这用汉语怎么说 ?”

(B)7.Tom: Are there any students in the net bar ?

John: Yes, there are ______ students the net bar.

A .any B. some C. a/

解析: students为复数,排除C,any 一般用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句

(C)8. ______ she go to work by bike ?

A .Are B.Do C. Does


(A) 9 I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning.

A .at B. on C. of


(B)10.He____ born in Beijing.

A. is B. was C. are


(B)11.I often _____ TV on Sunday evening.

A. see B. watch C. look

解析:看电视为固定搭配watch TV

(B)12.Is this your ____?

A. a watch B. watch C. watches

解析:根据Is this知主语是单数,排除C,限定词a的位置已经由其他的限定词your占据,选择B。

(B)13.I visited my Mum _______ May 1st .

A. at B. on C. in


(A)14.His father ______ going to his school tomorrow.

A. is B. am C. are


(B)15.I’m going ________ my brother.

A. and B. with C. or

解析:go with和某人一起,固定搭配


(C ) 1.they will go there ( ) train.

A at B on C by

解析:乘某种交通工具用介词 by

( B ) 2.It’s your turn ( ) a song now.

A sing B to sing C is sing

解析: It’s one’s turn to do something 轮到某人做某事

( A ) 3.He succeeded ( ) across the river

A in swimming B to swim C swim

解析: succeed in doing something 成功做某事

( B ) 4.( )is your home from the school?----Only a few kilometers

A How long B How far C How much

解析:根据回答,可知是问距离,提问距离有多远用How far,提问某东西多少钱用How much,提问时间有多长用How long

( A ) 5.Please don’t stand behind ( )

A me B I C mine

解析:此时的behind 后面应该接一个宾语,me可做宾语

( C ) 6.I’m taller ( ) Lily

A and B then C than

解析: taller为比较级,比较级后面用than

( A ) 7.I always sing every morning but I ( ) yesterday

A didn’t B don’t C doesn’t

解析:由 yesterday可知为过去时,故选择A

( B ) 8.Look ,the boy can ( )

A skating B skate C skates

解析: can 情态动词后面接动词原形

( B ) 9.----( ),please.----It’s eight o’ clock

A What about B What is the time C What’sthis

解析:由后一句可知提问的是时间,故用What is the time

( C ) 10.My father ( ) English now

A reads B reading C is reading

解析: 由now可知,是现在正在发生的事情,be doing表示正发生某事

( B ) 11.My sister is ( )engineer,my brother is ( ) doctor.

A a;the B an;a Ca;/

解析: engineer 的第一个字母的发音为元音,故用an ,doctor 的第一个字母的发音为辅音,故用B

( B ) 12.I’sorry ,I can’t help you---Thank you( )

A very much B all the time C at all

解析: all the time 表示依然 还是,题目应为依然要感谢你

( C ) 13.---( )are you going there?---On foot

A Why B Where C How

解析: 由On foot可知,提问应该是你如何去那儿?如何为How

( B ) 14.Most of the child enjoy ( ) computer games

A play B playing C to play

解析: enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事

( C ) 15.The doctor often tells him ( ) more exercise

A taken B taking C to take

解析:tell sb to do something 告诉某人做某事



(B )  1.A apple B one C orange


(C)  2. A patato B peas C healthy


(B)  3. A ten B book C four


(B)  4. A red B pen C black


(C)  5.A foot B head C book


(C) 6. AbookB ruler C nose


(A) 7. A purple B finger C foot


(B) 8. Aorange B monkey C yellow


(C) 9.A panda B bird C hot day


(B) 10. A milk B French fries C water


(A ) 11. A balloon B eight C two


(B) 12. A bread B cheap C weather

【解析】AC中ea发/ e/ B 中ea发/ i:/

(A) 13. A dog B old C no


(A) 14. A use B sun C cup


(C) 15. A cook B book C noodle

【解析】 AB中oo发/u/, C中oo发/u:/


(C)1.The red bag is ___,but it’s ______than the green one.

A. big, small B. heavier ,light C. cheap , nicer

解析than 可知,为比较级,红包便宜,但是比那个绿色的好看

(A)2._______pens do you have ? I have nine.

A. How many B. How much C. How old

解析nine可知,此题是问多少,用How many .

(B)3.Mr Guo usually _____shorts in July.

A. wear B. wears C. wearing

解析Mr Guo为第三人称,后接动词要动词的第三人称单数形式,即三单形式,故选B。

(B)4. I ____at a green light .

A. mustn’t walk B. can walk C. must stopping

解析a green light是绿灯,绿灯行,故B

(A)5. Let’s _____with the computer ,tom.

A. play B. plays C. playing

解析Let’s do something 让我们做某事吧,故A

(A)6.Don’t talk _______class.

A. in B. at C. on

解析in class固定搭配,在教室内

(B)7.Li Lei _____like fish , but his sister likes.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. aren’t

解析Li Lei为第三人称单数,否定用doesn’t

(A)8.My sisters ______play basketball after school.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. aren’t

解析My sisters为第三人称复数,去掉B项,又因为play为原型,所以选择A

(C)9._____your grandma and grandpa come from china ? Yes , they _______ A. Do, does B. Does ,does C. Do , do

解析grandma and grandpa为第三人称复数,故C

(C)10. Don’t ____in class. Let’s ______to the teacher.

A. talking, listening B. talks, listens C talk , listen


(C)11.Is she ____TV now?

A. watch B. washing C. watching


(B)12.____ I speak to Ann, please? ______

A. Can , no B. May , of course C. Must , ok


(C)13. I ____to the tape yesterday evening.

A. look B. listen C .listened

解析 由yesterday evening可知,事情为过去发生的,要用动词的一般过去式

(A)14. I have a ____coat, my brother has an____ jacket.

A. new ,old B. clean , dirty C. big small

解析 两个关键词为a an ,元音前用a,辅音前用an


(C )1. It is evening.The girl's shadow is ______.

A small B.short C.long


(B ) 2. The ______ are behind the cat.

A mouse B.mice C.mouses


(C )3. Miss Li ______ a bag. I ______a sketch book.

A.have,has B.is ,have C.has,have

【解析】Miss Li为第三人陈单数,她有一个包,用实义动词has,故C

( A)4. The pair of glasses ______ in my handbag.

A .is B.are C.am

【解析】The pair of glasses为眼镜的整体表示,故用单数A

( B) 5. I can't see______durians,but l can see ______pineapples.

A.some,some B.any,some C.any,any


( C) 6. Eric _______ his bicycle to the shop now.

A.rides B.ride C. is riding

【解析】now 说明为正在进行时,故C

( C)7. ______ are your English books ? Eighteen yuan.

A.what B.How many C.How much

【解析】由Eighteen yuan可知是提问价格的,提问价格用How much

( B) 8.Mary and Kitty are ______ awake in their bedroom.

A.all B.both Ctwo


( A) 9.Let's draw a ______ face.

A.cat B.cats C.cat's

【解析】画猫脸直接用a cat face

( B) 10.Mog ______ like his cushion.It's very hard.

A.don't B.doesn't C.isn't


( B) 11.Are the drinks ______ or different? They're different.

A.same B.the same C.some

【解析】the same 为相同的,故B

(B ) 12.There ______ some bread and some apples on the tables.

A.is B.are C.be

【解析】有some 知用are

( B) 13. Four girls and a boy ______ a computer in our class.

A.have got B.has got C.are

【解析】英语中有就近原则,动词以a boy为主语,故B

( A) 14. We go to the toy shop at five ______ twelve in the afternoon.

A.past B.to C.too


(A ) 15. _______ you ______ your homework last evening? Yes.

A.Did,do B.Do,do C.Do ,did








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